
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Research: famous film production logos

Some films use world renowned film production logos at the start of films as an introduction to the film. This also can include TV series, e.g. Futurama and its "30th Century Fox" opening, a tongue in cheek reference to 2oth Century Fox's dynamic theme and logo.

Another example is at the start of the film "The Core," in which its subject matter of the Earth's core is introduced by the familiar "Paramount Pictures" opening, when suddenly the camera arcs over as it zooms in on the Paramount mountain, then the shot takes a plummet down a crevasse, down, down, down, into the seething magma of the Earth's core. These type of productions use the fact that the introductory themes and logos of these producers are so traditional and well known that the directors can use them to turn things on their heads and make the familiar unfamiliar, but also making it more accessible to the audience.

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